

It is the goal of EGSC to provide a safe and effective learning environment for all 为所有教职员工提供安全有效的工作场所. 任何行动 哪个干扰了这个目标是不允许的. 在任何时候,一个孩子都不能 is not a currently enrolled EGSC student be left unattended on campus, including in 校园建筑:校园建筑、校园内或车辆内. 孩子们必须在下面 direct supervision of a parent, 法定监护人,或负责任的成年人 在校园里. 被认为是儿童的父母、法定监护人或负责任的成年人 disruptive or unsupervised will be asked to remove the 孩子ren from campus 立即. 十大正规网赌平台 does not assume responsibility for supervision of unattended 未成年人. 孩子们的安全是学院的头等大事.


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to all members of the College community 十大正规网投平台儿童何时可以出现在学院校园. 


All faculty, staff, students, and visitors seeking to bring 孩子ren onto the campus 应该熟悉这个政策吗. 



孩子/孩子们: The term “孩子” or “孩子ren” refers to an individual(s) who has not yet reached 16岁. 

法定监护人: The term “legal guardian” refers to a person named in a will or assigned by a court who has the legal responsibility for providing the care and management of a minor 孩子.

负责任的成人:  The term “responsible adult” refers to a person 21 years of age or older to whom the parent or legal guardian has given temporary responsibility for providing the 对未成年儿童的照顾和管理. 

直接监督: The term “direct supervision” refers to being in the direct line of sight of the supervisor.


EGSC acknowledges that family needs and responsibilities may in some circumstances 要求一个孩子在校园里呆一定的时间.  任何个人 who makes the decision to bring a 孩子 onto the College campus should be aware and respectful of the needs of others to have a quiet educational and/or work setting.  Except in very limited circumstances, no 孩子 who is sick is permitted on campus.  Persons who bring a 孩子 onto campus shall comply with the specific policies and 程序如下. 


I. 教室或教学楼里的孩子

The College must provide a safe and effective learning environment for all students. All 孩子ren must be in the presence of and under the direct supervision of a parent, 法定监护人,或负责任的成年人. 孩子们不能无人看管 在教室、走廊或教学楼的公共区域. 

Due to the nature of the equipment and the level of supervision necessary, 孩子ren will not be allowed in college laboratories or the fitness center at any time unless 由总统或其指定人员事先批准的赞助活动的一部分. 

For classrooms and faculty offices, 孩子ren are only allowed at the discretion of 老师. 只有在极少数情况下,由于临时的、 不可预见的紧急情况或情况. 孩子们不允许进入教室 an alternative to regular 孩子care or when the 孩子 is too ill to attend regular 儿童保育或学校. 任何学生的孩子被认为是捣乱或无人监督 会被要求立即带走孩子吗. 

II. 图书馆里的孩子

Children must always have a parent, legal guardian, or responsible adult present with 他们在图书馆. 10岁以上的顾客可以使用电脑 没有大人的监督. 10岁以下的顾客必须持有 监视电脑使用情况的父母、法定监护人或负责任的成年人. 

父母、法定监护人或负责任的成年人, not the 图书馆 staff, is responsible 供孩子使用图书馆之用. 父母、法定监护人或负责任的成年人 of a 孩子 who is considered disruptive or unsupervised will be asked to remove the 孩子立即. 

3.  学生宿舍里的孩子们

Residential students must adhere to specific guidelines in the Resident Student Handbook 十大正规网投平台探视程序. 孩子们在学生宿舍探望学生 must be under the supervision of a parent, legal guardian, or responsible adult at 任何时候. 儿童客人将仅限于白天参观(每天10小时).m. -午夜) and will not be permitted overnight visitation privileges unless part of a sponsored 经总统或其指定人员事先批准的职能. 为了居住的目的 “儿童”是指任何未满18岁的人. 

IV. 工作场所的儿童

While the College seeks to provide an environment supportive of families, the workplace 不应该用来代替托儿服务提供者吗. 它不适合儿童观看 or other minor relatives of an employee to be in work areas during work hours for several reasons: the potential liability to the College, risk of harm to the 孩子ren, 由于分心和干扰,员工的生产力也会下降. 因此, it is the policy of the College that 孩子ren or other minor relatives of employees not be present at the employee’s workplace – for example, office, classroom, or shop area – in lieu of other 孩子care arrangements during the employee’s work hours. 

Parents, legal guardians, and responsible adults are prohibited from asking any college 在正常工作时间内照看孩子的员工. 大学员工禁止入内 from supervising a 孩子 of another College employee, student, or visitor during normal 工作时间. 

This policy is not intended to prohibit 孩子ren or other family members from the campus when the purpose of their visit is to attend classes or to participate in activities specifically scheduled for their benefit, such as summer camps, activities, or programs. Children or minor relatives of an employee that are on campus after the employee’s work hours and not attending classes or participating in scheduled events must be 在员工或其他负责任的成年人的直接监督下. 任何员工 whose 孩子 is considered disruptive or unsupervised will be asked to remove the 孩子 立即. 

V. 父母的责任

Parents, legal guardians, and responsible adults are responsible for ensuring that 他们的孩子在校园里举止得体. 父母和法定监护人 responsible for any and all injuries or damages sustained to or caused by their 孩子 在校园里. 

VI. 执行

The monitoring and enforcement of this policy is the responsibility of all faculty, 教职员和学生. 每位会员应始终如一、礼貌地提出任何违规行为 of this policy to the attention of the person or persons observed violating it. If they are uncomfortable discussing it with the person, it should be reported to the 下一级主管或人力资源部. 违规行为应该继续吗 shall be reported to the Director of Human Resources (for faculty and staff in violation of the policy) or the Dean of Students (for students in violation of the policy) as 尽快. 

Anytime a 孩子 is discovered on campus in a dangerous situation or is unsupervised and the parent, legal guardian, or responsible adult cannot be identified and located 在合理的时间内,应立即通知校园警察.